Cultivation is a province value which measures the amount of land that has been prepared for agriculture.
Cultivation is necessary for Agriculture.
Cultivation is limited by Maximum Cultivation, which is determined by the following factors:
- Province Size
Cultivation changes naturally based on Maximum Farmed Land, which is determined by the amount of Rural Population engaged in Agriculture modified by Cultivation Efficiency, which determines how much Cultivation one unit of Rural Population can actively use and maintain.
- If Maximum Farmed Land is less than Cultivation, Cultivation will decrease, as land goes untended. (However, Population Growth also increases under these circumstances.)
- If Maximum Farmed Land is greater than Cultivation, Cultivation will increase, toward Maximum Cultivation. (However, this circumstance may also lead to Migration.)
Governments can also spend resources to increase Cultivation in a province, to allow for faster Population Growth.
province/cultivation.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/01 12:21 by admin